This site was designed for desktop use.

It has not been adapted for mobile or other small screens as of yet.

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Terms of Service

Last Updated: March 13 2023

By using Jukeblocks services you agree not to attempt or encourage misuse, including, but not limited to:
  • accessing Jukeblocks accounts that do not belong to you
  • uploading copyrighted content without permission, or illegal content
  • fraudulent activity (for example breaching the payment systems in use, illegitimate use of payment methods)
  • use of scripts or programs to automate the use of Jukeblocks services
  • circumventing any imposed free or paid account limitations by use of alternative accounts or otherwise

Cookies and local storage are used solely for preserving user settings and song arrangement data. They are not stored on the server.
No project files are stored on our servers without explicit permission from the user.
No personal data is shared with third parties.

Any similarities of Jukeblocks generated content to existing songs are purely coincidental. There are only so many possible note combinations and arrangements, and no way for us to check the generated result against all music.
The user takes on full responsibility for any potential copyright infringement.
In no event shall the Jukeblocks team be responsible for any damages caused by the use of Jukeblocks services.